Meet & Greet

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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I'm a Vancouverite currently digging my way out of the snow in Toronto. When I'm not digging, I work at an ad agency downtown.
You had the right idea. The problem is I have too many ideas for one place. They're all right, too. Depending on who you ask. And who you are.

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

And You Thought Cloverfield Was Scary...

I always knew fakin' n' bakin' was a death sentence.
Girls, you may as well just stay in that tanning bed, and have it double as a casket.
Save your family a whole lot of trouble and dough.


Anonymous said...

As much as I want to agree with your statement...well opinion, the article was not solely based on the tanning bed alone. It was briefly mentioned. Now I am not saying that tanning beds aren't dangerous but laying out on a beach in Mexico can have the same effects...and you could save your family a lot of money by not going there either.

Gabrielle said...

hey, thanks for your comment! so true, tanning in a bed would definitely be a lot cheaper. find me a 4 person tanning bed that offers family bonding and a cultural experience, and i'll make a point of considering it.

Josh Rachlis said...

I'm the one who sent her the original article. And I'm thinking that saying the beach is just as dangerous isn't an argument in support of tanning beds. And tanning beds are pure, concentrated, cancer and wrinkle-causing devices. From what I've read, they're even worse than sitting outside. Which is already pretty bad. Just be safe and smart, people!