Meet & Greet

My photo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I'm a Vancouverite currently digging my way out of the snow in Toronto. When I'm not digging, I work at an ad agency downtown.
You had the right idea. The problem is I have too many ideas for one place. They're all right, too. Depending on who you ask. And who you are.

So, if you want to learn more about me, stay right here. Or, you can right this little misunderstanding by redirecting yourself to

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Put Your Chest to the TV Test

Oh my, it has finally happened. That's right ladies and gents, TV's embedded in t-shirts! From what I understand, the new medium is being used solely to broadcast advertisements and branding messages. This was apparently a marketing craze in the U.S which has now been licensed in Canada by a company based in Toronto, called Splash Marketing & Promotions. The sickest part is that they can stick the screen on the front or back of a shirt, a dress, a jacket, whatever!

Not Quite the Olsens...

A couple of weeks ago, my sister happened to be catching a connecting flight at YYZ, on her way to Paris. Not having seen her since Christmas, I jumped on the opportunity. There was much confusion regarding gates and security. I took advantage of the situation to page her name over the loudspeaker ;) However, eventually we were reunited, and this is how we spent our hour together...

All A-Twitter

Ok, word to the wise. All of you techno-phobes and techno trash-talkers, please take note. There is nothing wrong with social networks. They're the very recent past, the present, and the fabulous future. Those who detest Facebook were probably never invited in the first place. Those who think they can avoid Facebook are sadly mistaken. And those who think that Facebook is a thing of the past may be right, but they're also wrong. If Facebook withered and disappeared today, a stronger, more resilient species will have grown in its place by this time tomorrow. I offer up Twitter as a new specimen for study. I'm not saying it's better than Facebook, or that you have to join. But you should probably know what it is. By this time next month, your son or daughter will be on it, your sister, your brother, your mother, your boss. You might find out your girlfriend dumped you yesterday thanks to Twitter. Oh and P.S., she's pregnant, too. All I'm saying is, look into TWITTER, you TWAT. Dig a little. You never know what you might turn up.

Friday, March 28, 2008


For Easter long weekend, I jetted off to New York City with my long time gal pal Ashley. We stayed in Manhattan in the apartment of a dear high school friend, Dan. There is certainly no shortage of pictures from the event, so enjoy! New York, me love you long time!